BB Construction Inc


Expert Condo Renovation Contractors in Toronto

Frequently Asked Questions

The Average Cost of a bathroom renovation in Toronto is approximately $15,000.

Generally, kitchen renovation costs in toronto range between $15000 to $ 45000, but the cost can be as high as $50,000 to 60,000 if high-end custom fabrication is required. 

A typical condo renovation in toronto costs between $15000 to $45000 based on a number of factors.

Generally, a basement renovation without a bathroom typically costs between $25,000 and $40,000. To install a bathroom, you can anticipate spending an additional $12,500 to $20,000 depending on the size and features.

The home renovation cost in Toronto can range widely depending on the design requirements and size of the house. Prices can fluctuate from $90,000 to over $200,000.

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