BB Construction Inc

July 2023

Why is Condominium / Apartment – Renovation a whole different market than House renovation?

There are many considerations when it comes to renovation in Toronto residential neighborhoods. Noise bylaws may not be strict or enforced the same way they would be in a condo building – typically, noise should only occur between 8-5 Monday to Friday. Moreover, there are rules around bringing in new supplies and ensuring hallways, elevators, …

Why is Condominium / Apartment – Renovation a whole different market than House renovation? Read More »

Difference between General Contractor and Individual Contractor

A general contractor (GC) is an entity in a construction project that oversees the entire construction project from start to finish.  The individual contractor (IC), on the other hand, just specializes in one trade.  If a homeowner wanted to do bathroom remodeling and selected individual contractors instead of a general contractor, then they would have …

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